Friday, March 28, 2014

Saturday practice!

Rage! No game tomorrow it was rescheduled. Instead practice at Diamond Ridge 930 to 11.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Game Changes and Practice changes.

Hey Rage, pay attention to the schedule as some of the games have changed.  I have a calendar below that is updated or the link on the right of the web page will always be correct.  The latest change was the game that was scheduled for April 5th will now be happening on May 3rd.

Also, practice days are now being changed to Tuesdays and Thursdays instead.  Same times of 6-7:30 pm at Diamond Ridge Elementary.

Thanks parents for all you do and thanks for your flexibility.  We're off to a great start, lets end it stronger. Go Rage!

Game today!

Rage!  Game today @ Soccer City @ 5:25 wear red.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Scrimmage today!

Rage! Friendly scrimmage tonight at 5:30 at Kennedy Jr. High.   Wear red.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Coerver Training if you can.

Rage! The club extended coerver training to tonight and wed 7:15-8:15 Calvin Smith only if you can swing it.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

This week's schedule. Just games no practice.

Great job on today's game. This was a team you have not beaten the last two times you played and now you have showed how much better you work together.  So this week's schedule.
  • Tuesday: Friendly with Razzia U10 boys at 5:30 pm at Kennedy Jr. High (4495 S. 4800 W.) Wear all red.
  • Thursday: Your last indoor soccer game at Soccer City at 5:25 p.m. (wear red, bring white).
No practice this week other than the friendly and indoor game. The week after we will kick off with Mondays and Wednesdays practice at Diamond Ridge from 6-7:30 p.m.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Practice canceled today!

Rage! Practice is canceled tonight due to weather.

Coerver Training last week.

Rage! This is the last week of coerver training.  Mon Wed Fri 7:15-8:15pm. Game this Sat @ fox hills 10:30am.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Game Today!

Just to confirm. Game today at Fox Hills at 10:30 am. Be there at 9:45 am. Come in Red. Go Rage!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Change of venue for practice today

Rage instead of coerver training tonight.  Practice will be moved to our home field @ fox hills 6-730.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Coerver Training starts tonight!

Rage! Coerver training starts at 7:15 tonight @ Calvin smith ends at 8:15.  This is Razzia sponsored training Monday Wednesday and Friday with Rob no need to bring any money.  Justin did bring up the concern its gonna be dark by 8pm.

Friday, March 7, 2014

New practice schedule

For the next 2 weeks practice at Calvin Smith elementary Monday Wednesday and Friday 7:15-8:15pm. 

Practice is still going tomorrow morning with Rob.

New home field!

Rage our new home field is now at foxhills elementary. 3775 w 6020 s.  First outdoor game is sat 3/15 at 10:30 am.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Soccer City Tuesday!

Rage!  Prepare for glory!  Game tomorrow soccer city at 5:00pm.  Wear reds bring whites.

Outdoor Schedule has been posted!

Hey Rage, so the spring season outdoor season officially begins for us on March 15th!  I have added the schedule on the link to the right and the calendar below.  Please review the link periodically as schedules are not set in stone.  We already have a conflict on March 22nd that we are working out.  Also look ahead and make travel arrangements for some of those days as you will be going to Provo, Cedar Hills, Saratoga Springs, etc., for games, and some of those on weekdays.

Double check your players equipment.  Our players are continuously growing from year to year, make sure their outdoor cleats are still comfortable and functional.

Thanks again for all you do.